Whether you wish to profit directly from movements in FX or simply invest internationally across asset classes, the forex market touches upon everything you do as an investor. A broad range of tradable currency pairs, accessible from your single account, means you need never miss an opportunity. Concentrate your trading activity during the trading hours for the three largest Market Centers: London, New_York, and Tokyo. One week later the EURO has fallen against the US Dollar to 1.32128/1.32129, you decide to take your profit by buying back 2 standard lots at 1.32129.
Because Secure had no real headquarters and existed on the Internet only, an investigation would be challenging. Regulators now know that light-touch regulation was an invitation to the financial services industry to game the rules and they have responded with more intrusive supervision and hefty deterrents.
I miss FXCM grafics. They were so easy to read. Just like Nicolas, i was transfered from FXCM today. I will miss clearness and indicators, and user friendliness of FXCM! But i expected more since forex is world famous. Well, it is not even close ! Our price aggregation technology, which filters rates from our liquidity partners, has enabled us to offer highly competitive spreads that directly benefit our clients.
Forex can seem to be tough at the first instance to a new investor but once you have understood the process of the trading,then it is all about making the right decision and earning a handsome profit. with various fundamental and technical analysis tool available in the market,a careful investor can make huge profit by trading currencies. A small margin deposit can control a much larger total contract value. That Is what we call 'Leverage'.
It should be noted that there is no central marketplace for the Forex market ; trading is instead said to be conducted �over the counter'; it's not like stocks where there is a central marketplace with all orders processed like the NYSE. Forex is a product quoted by all the major banks, and not all banks will have the exact same price. Now, the broker platforms take all theses feeds from the different banks and the quotes we see from our broker are an approximate average of them. It's the broker who is effectively transacting the trade and taking the other side of it�they �make the market' for you. When you buy a currency pair�your broker is selling it to you, not �another trader'.